(ITEM   )



DATE:  27 April 2021








Director of Place, Planning and Regeneration






1.1       To approve the Highways and Transport Capital Programme for 2021/22 and its implementation as set out in the body of the report and Annex 1.




2.1        That the overall Highways and Transport Capital Programme for 2021/22 (Annex 1) is approved.




3.1       The proposals in this report identify the current highway and transport priorities across the network. The schemes seek to facilitate transport in line with the Council’s Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) and ensure that the Council maintains the highway in as good a condition as resources allow, having due regard to the Council’s intervention policy based on network condition.    




4.1       Failure to approve the Highways and Transport Capital Programme would prevent the delivery of the Council’s obligations as a Highway Authority and be contrary to the position set out in the Council’s adopted Transport Policy (LPT3).


4.2       Given the reduction in highway maintenance funding levels in previous years, it would not be appropriate to allocate resources to anything other than the priorities identified through methodical and objective needs assessments.




5.1       The overall Highways and Transport Capital Programme for 2021/22 totals £7.003m, of which over 90% of funding is derived from external sources. A further breakdown of the programme and its objectives is set out below.


            Transport Programme


5.2       The Transport Capital Programme is formed to support the adopted LTP3 which sets out the key transport challenges and opportunities facing Bracknell Forest through the period 2011-2026. Schemes are developed taking account of wider policy goals alongside strategic and local transport needs. Issues such as deliverability and public impact/acceptability are also reflected within the scheme selection.  


5.3       Core funding for the 2021/22 programme is made up of an Integrated Transport Grant from Central Government (£726k) alongside developer contributions for transport mitigation measures via S106 agreements and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts – totalling £3.689m.



5.4       In 2020/21, the Council was successful in securing additional funds from Central Government through the Local Growth Fund (LGF) which is aimed towards implementing transport measures linked to economic growth and carbon reduction with a focus on removing pinch points. The 2021/22 programme will include completion of the A3095 (South) Highway Improvement Scheme and commencement of improvements to the A322 Sports Centre Roundabout, both of which are part-funded in this way.


5.5       As well as large scale schemes, the Council continues to implement local improvements that support the Local Transport Plan. These focus on improving access, mobility and travel choice, highway capacity and road space allocation, road safety, residential parking and traffic management. Additional match-funding has been committed by Silva Homes (£100k) to support further provision of residential parking schemes in priority areas.


5.6       The overall Transport Capital Programme for 2021/22 totals £4.515m and is contained within Annex 1.


            Highway Maintenance Programme


5.7       The Highway Maintenance Capital Programme seeks to ensure that the Council maintains the highway network in as good a condition as resources allow, giving due regard to public safety. It also supports objectives within the Council’s adopted LTP3. The Highway Maintenance programme continues to focus on the integrity of a wide range of highway assets including carriageways, highway structures, drainage and street lighting.


5.8       Funding for the 2021/22 programme is made up of a Highway Maintenance Grant from Central Government (£1.888m) alongside a continued local contribution from Borough Capital of £200k to support road and footway maintenance. A further £400k Borough Capital is allocated toward the essential lamp column replacement programme - a recognised consequence of ‘New Town Inheritance’ whereby assets require capital replacement at the same time, in this case to manage highway risk.   


5.9       The overall Highway Maintenance Capital Programme for 2021/22 totals £2.488m and is contained within Annex 1. Even with this level of funding, the scale of demand for planned maintenance far exceeds the available budget. For example, the identified lengths of carriageway which warrant intervention work over the next 3 years is detailed within Annex 2. Consequentially, funding must be targeted according to an assessment of need based upon the condition of assets.  


5.10     In relation to road and footway maintenance, the details of work will vary between streets and will only be fully defined once the effects of the recent winter months have been established. The form of treatment for each road will be the most appropriate for the nature and category of the individual road to ensure (i) the most cost-effective use of available budgets; and (ii) preservation of the useful life of the asset. 


5.11     Given the demands upon road network access (including for utility works), the availability of specialist plant and the objective of minimising local disruption, the final maintenance programme may need to vary. Local Members will be advised in advance of planned works within their Ward.


5.12     The Council also makes additional provision in its revenue budget for reactive highway maintenance work. This is used for routine and urgent maintenance purposes on all highway network assets and also includes the delivery of the winter service (road gritting) and the 24/7 emergency response service. The sum allocated within 2021/22 is £2.7m.





Resourcing Delivery


5.13     In order to maintain delivery of the approved Highways and Transport Capital Programme, it is necessary to focus staff resources within the Highways and Transport Division. Outside of the approved in-year work programme it will not be possible to develop/progress Member or public generated requests for minor improvement schemes. New schemes will be added to a future works list for assessment at the appropriate stage.




            Borough Solicitor


6.1       The approval of the Recommendation falls within the decision-making remit of the Executive under Part 2, Section 5 of the Council Constitution.


            Director: Resources


6.2       The sums detailed within the report form part of the 2021/22 Capital Programme for the Place, Planning and Regeneration Directorate. This report identifies the specific schemes on which this funding is to be allocated.


            Equalities Impact Assessment


6.3       An Equalities Impact Assessment was undertaken in preparation for the formal publication of the adopted LTP3. The actions arising from this decision are within the scope of the LTP3 EIA and no direct negative equality/diversity impacts arise from these proposed works. The identified schemes improve safety and accessibility for all road users.




            Principal Groups Consulted


7.1       Stakeholders will vary dependant on individual schemes and their impact. Applicable consultation processes will precede scheme implementation.  


            Method of Consultation


7.2       Not applicable at this time.





Contacts for further information


Andrew Hunter

Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration

01344 351907




Neil Mathews

Head of Highways and Transport

01344 351163
